Frequently Asked Questions

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Revision as of 14:49, 9 November 2015 by The Commander (talk | contribs)
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  • How can I edit/add my own npc spawn points?
    • You have to run the game in single player and type into the console "UD_Dev_EditMap", you will have to work it out how to use this editor on your own for now till I make a in depth guide to it.
  • How can I give items to players?
    • In the server console or as a superadmin type into the console "ud_admingiveitem itemname amount playername" example, "ud_admingiveitem money 1000 commander"
  • How can I give XP to players?
    • In the server console or as a superadmin type into the console "ud_admingivexp amount playername" example, "ud_admingivexp 1000 commander"
  • The car dealer and certain map props are missing
    • Make sure that the map you are using for your server is all named in lower case, code wise rp_evocity2_v2p is different to RP_Evocity2_V2P and this will effect how LUA runs certain functions.
  • Where is the player data saved?
    • "txt" format is saved to garrysmod\data\underdone, "sqllite" is saved to garrysmod\sv.db, "mysql" is saved to your MySQL database.
  • Why do I see errors and black/purple checkerboards?
    • You must have the games Half-Life 2, Half-life 2 Episode 1, Half-life 2 Episode 2, And Counter-Strike: Source installed. They must be mounted on to Garry's mod with the small controller at the bottom right corner of the main menu.
  • My Garry's mod always crashes when I try to join. What do I do?
    • Multiple factors are in play right now. It can be the map, models, your Graphics, or the server. If it's the map unsubscribe from the map that we are currently on and delete the map from your addons folder. Then just subscribe to it again and wait for it to download. Maybe you have missing models, make sure you have the games stated above and follow the steps above. If you have done all of this and it still crashes, try lowering your graphics down. If ALL of this fail and you can join another server with the same MAP and GAMEMODE, contact "The Commander" on the forums by PMing him about your problem.
  • Why do I slow down when I Shoot/Hit things?
    • This is a mechanic that we put in to prevent "kiting". Kiting is a term used a lot in LoL, WoW, or any MMORPG meaning you move fast enough so the NPC can't hit you. So we slow you down so the NPC has a chance to still hit you, but you can sill avoid it if you have enough agility.